The Diocese of Tuam, Limerick & Killaloe

The Anglican Diocese of Tuam, Limerick and Killaloe is part of the Church of Ireland and therefore part of the world wide Anglican Communion. Whatever you are looking for you will find it in our diocese, from the quiet beauty of forests and mountains, spectacular cliffs dropping straight into the wild Atlantic, busy seaside towns and the bustle of the city. Yes and a river runs through it all. Wherever you go in our diocese you will find us, the Anglican community, bearing witness to the one God, Father Son and Holy Spirit, who creates and redeems all things.

Why not drop in at one of our events or just join us for Sunday worship? You will find a warm welcome wherever you go amongst us.

Who’s Who in Saint Mary’s Cathedral

Dean – The Very Rev’d Niall J.W. Sloane

Dean’s Vicar – VACANT

Curate’s Assistant – The Rev’d Dr Leonard Madden

Diocesan Readers – Mr Oliver Deegan & Mr Andrew Ellerker

Parish Reader – Mr Tony O’Connell

Organist – Mr Peter Barley

Organ Scholar – Ms Irina Dernova

Caretaker & Tourism Officer – Ms Noreen Ellerker

Cathedral Secretary – Ms Evelyn Egan

Dean’s Verger – Ms Kariba Braide

Tower Captain – Ms Adrienne McMillen

The Deans & Chapter of the Dioceses of Limerick & Killaloe


Dean of Limerick – The Very Rev’d Niall J.W. Sloane

Dean of Killaloe – VACANT  

Archdeacon of Limerick – The Ven. Simon J. Lumby

Archdeacon of Killaloe – The Ven. John M. Godfrey

Precentor – The Very Rev’d Lynda E.A. Peilow

Chancellor – The Rev’d Michael R. Cavanagh

Treasurer – The Rev’d Jane A. Galbraith

Prebend of St Munchin’s & Tulloh – The Rev’d James C. Stephens

Prebend of Inniscattery – The Rev’d Kevin M. O’Brien 

Prebend of Athnett – The Very Rev’d Diane M. Matchett


The bishopric of Tuam, Limerick & Killaloe


The Right Reverend Michael Burrows was elected Bishop in January 2022.  He was ordained in 1987 after graduating from Trinity College Dublin. He initially served as Curate of Douglas with Frankfield, in the Diocese of Cork, Cloyne and Ross (1987-1991). He was subsequently Chaplain of Trinity College Dublin (1991-1994), during which time he was also a Lecturer in Church History and Liturgy at the Church of Ireland Theological College. He returned to Cork, Cloyne and Ross as Rector of Bandon (1994-2002) before becoming Dean of Cork and Incumbent of St Fin Barre’s (2002-2006).

He was elected Bishop of Cashel, Ferns and Ossory in March 2006 and consecrated as bishop in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, in July of that year. Bishop Burrows is Chair of the Church of Ireland’s Commission for Christian Unity and Dialogue, Chair of the Board of Governors of the Anglican Centre in Rome, Co-Chair of the Church of Ireland-Methodist Covenant Council, and Patron of the Irish Guild of the Church (Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise). He is married to Claire with four grown-up children, and is a keen railway enthusiast and organist.


The Bells

Click the photo above to hear the bells!

Bells:  8 bells. Tenor: 24.0.1/1220kg
Service Ringing:  Sunday 10.30 – 11.15
Practice Night:  Monday 7.30 – 21.00 (except August and Public Holidays)

Contacts:  Kieron Brislane

Address: Saint Mary’s Cathedral, Bridge St., Limerick

Eircode:  V94 E068

Additional Information:  Full Sunday service ringing and Monday practice have fully resumed – Please email tower contact to request meet times, location and Covid requirements  


Join the Friends of Saint Mary’s Cathedral


The Friends of Saint Mary’s exist to support the Dean & Cathedral Chapter in maintaining and enhancing the Cathedral and its surroundings. Assisting and supporting the Dean and Chapter in maintaining and improving the services, music, fabric, fittings, furniture, ornaments, monuments and facilities of the Cathedral. Encouraging the interest and participation of young people through education and activities. Stimulating and maintaining public interest in the Cathedral. Supporting the needs of the Cathedral’s mission in the modern world.



To get to know each other (as ‘friends’ as well as ‘Friends’) we enjoy a varied programme of shared activities, including lectures, excursions and social events; an annual highlight is the Friends’ Christmas concert in the Cathedral given by talented young performers. In June every year we gather for the Friends’ Festival: this includes the AGM, as well as an opportunity to visit parts of the Cathedral and its precincts not otherwise open to the public. The day culminates in Festal Evensong.

Friends receive an annual membership card which entitles them to free access to the Cathedral, and new members are invited to participate in a ‘welcome’ tour of the Cathedral. All members receive a Newsletter each year to keep them informed about events and activities. There Friends are united in their desire to support and maintain this 850-year-old Cathedral. Joining the Friends helps ensure that we can continue this important work.


Silver Member 

(Restricted to those under 18 years old)

Benefits include:

  • A ‘welcome’ tour of the Cathedral
  • Free access to the Cathedral 

Gold Member

Benefits include:

  • A ‘welcome’ tour of the Cathedral
  • Free access to the Cathedral
  • A copy of the annual Newsletter
  • Invitation to the Friends Service and Reception
  • 10% discount in the Cathedral Shop

Diamond Member

Benefits include:

  • A ‘welcome’ tour of the Cathedral
  • Free access to the Cathedral
  • A copy of the annual Newsletter
  • Invitation to the Friends Service and Reception
  • 10% discount in the Cathedral Shop
  • Inscription in the Cathedral Roll Book

Platinum (Corporate) Member

Benefits include:

  • Limited to 850 members
  • A ‘welcome’ tour of the Cathedral by the Dean
  • Free access to the Cathedral
  • A copy of the annual Newsletter
  • Invitation to the Friends Service and Reception
  • Inscription in the Cathedral Roll Book
  • 10% discount in the Cathedral Shop
  • Invitation to the Cathedral lectures, launches and events
  • Use of corporate imaging on Cathedral Publications


Silver: €15 per annum

Gold: €25 per annum

Diamond: €250 for life

Platinum (Corporate): €850 for 10 years

Family membership €70 per annum

Couples membership €45 per annum


Membership may be purchased here


Prayer for Saint Mary’s Cathedral

Almighty God, in whose keeping are the plans and purposes of your Church.  Mercifully look upon this ancient place of prayer, inspire its worship, so that your life and light may spread throughout and beyond these United Dioceses and City.  To the Glory of your Name, and the coming of the Kingdom.  Amen.

Saint Mary’s Cathedral Annual Report

For the 2023 Report click here

For our website policy – please see